Jamian Juliano-Villani – Chef Mike

Chef Mike borrows its composition from Norman Rockwell’s 1942 painting of a Thanksgiving feast, Freedom from Want. In Rockwell’s original, a large turkey is being presented by a proud matriarch to a crowded table of eager guests across several generations. In Juliano-Villani’s Chef Mike, the idyllic meal is interrupted by a microwave which has been [...]

Snarkitecture – Sway

Commissioned for the gallery at Intersect by Lexus, designed and produced by Snarkitecture, Sway is a participatory installation made from 150 white spheres mounted to gently swaying poles that are arranged in two precise fields. Surrounded by mirrors, the ground and ceiling planes are reflected to form an infinite parabolic enclosure. In direct response to [...]

Shire – EyeLove

Brooklyn Research worked with Shire and Edelman to create a public interactive installation that would allow users to take a picture of their pupil and exhibit it’s properties to a larger animated display. Brooklyn Research modified an existing headset, optics system, and camera to be able to take focused pictures of a users’ eye with [...]

Toni Dove – The Dress That Eats Souls

Brooklyn Research worked with artist Toni Dove to create an interactive robotic torso and skirt that responds to a user's movements.  This robotic mechanism was part of the piece "The Dress That Eats Souls", that Toni Dove created. Taking input from a Kinect depth camera, the piece tracks a user's head and body movement.  Those [...]

Same Time Next Year – Jamian Juliano-Villani

Brooklyn Research worked with artist Jamian Juliano-Villani to modify a 1955 J-L Seeburg jukebox to play custom audio prepared for her piece Same Time Next Year (Part One). The custom audio would only play when a user selected one of five selections on the selector panel. If a user made a selection but it wasn't [...]

Meridian (Gold) – Mika Tajima

Brooklyn Research designed and programmed the lights for Mika Tajima's temporary outdoor sculpture for Sculpture Center. The color of the lights change throughout the day to reflect the rate of change of gold valuation via a real time data feed. The lights are set against the backdrop of Midtown Manhattan and are accompanied by a [...]

Sound Tree – Floating Hospital for Children

https://player.vimeo.com/video/167827924 Brooklyn Research collaborated with Urban Matter in developing an interactive sound and light tree for the Floating Hospital for Children at Tufts Medical Center in Boston. The Sound Tree has nine branches/fins installed that are lined with diffused LED lighting and animated through an color sequence when not activated. Once a user enters the [...]

Tangibles – The Tech Museum of Innovation

In conjunction with Local Projects, Brooklyn Research worked on an exhibit for the Tech Museum of Innovation in San Jose. For this project, Brooklyn Research engineered and fabricated the physical and electronic component of the Creature Creation station that is a part of the Tech Museum's BioDesign studio exhibit. At this station, new creatures can [...]

Light Cube Synthesizer – London O’Connor

A collaboration between Brooklyn Research and musician London O'Connor. The Light Cube Instrument is a programmable cube designed, engineered, fabricated, and programmed by Brooklyn Research in order to make a physically responsive on stage instrument for London. Each panel of the cube has sensors embedded so that impact on any side of the cube can [...]

LED Locker Wall – US Open

A LED locker wall system for the US Open allowing people to check in their portable devices to charge in a lockers. Each locker was a pixel for an 8-bit like display with various visual modes. These panels were designed, fabricated and programmed by Brooklyn Research for the Chase US Open 2016 kiosk done by [...]